
Warstock Cache & Carry

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Warstock Cache & Carry
File:Warstock Cache and Carry logo.png
Type Military vehicles retailer
GTA Grand Theft Auto V

Warstock Cache & Carry is an online retailer that sells military related vehicles in Grand Theft Auto V. In GTA Online, it also sells some non-military vehicles: some busses that can transport a substantial number of people, the Dump, and the Mule.

Name Prize
Barracks $450,000
Buzzard Attack Chopper $2,000,000
Cargobob $2,200,000
Crusader $225,000
Rhino Tank $3,000,000

GTA Online

Name Prize
Airport Bus $550,000
Barracks $450,000
Bus $500,000
Buzzard Attack Chopper $1,750,000
Crusader $225,000
Dashound $525,000
Dump $1,000,000
Journey $15,000
Mule $27,000
Rental Shuttle Bus $30,000
Rhino Tank $1,500,000


  • Warstock Cache & Carry is active on Lifeinvader:
  • The advertisement image for a 10% discount depicts some anomalities:
    • Under "ATVs" a vehicle is shown that does not appear ingame: it looks like a Barracks with a Patriot cabin.
    • The Titan under "Airplanes" is white and, moreover, not for sale — neither are other fixed wing airplanes — on Warstock Cache & Carry; only in GTA Online the Titan is for sale on Elitas Travel.
    • Under "Attack Helicopters" a helicopter can be seen that looks like an Apache, which does not appear in the game. A Hunter might have been planned.